Immigration Attorney Mitch Burgos of Easy Legal Mexico answers some of the common questions about getting or extending a Mexican visa as of January 2021. Unfortunately, there is a lot of incorrect information and misinformation out there, so we want you to know what the true latest Mexican visa requirements are. If you’d like for...Read More
Let`s face it, no matter in what country you live, building a house or a part of it, presents a set of challenges. Some of these challenges are similar all over the world, but some are very specific to the country and particularly the city where you choose to build. When building in Mexico, you...Read More
The Mexican Government immigration fees for 2020 are official as of 1 January, 2020. There are some increases over 2019. Fortunately, they are relatively small increases. This is very important to be aware of if you’re seeking a Mexican temporary or permanent resident visa. Please note also that the income and asset requirements have also...Read More
We’re happy and proud to help a great cause. The Progreso Apoyo Program connects sponsors with students to provide financial support to further their education. Children who might not otherwise be able to afford school uniforms and other required materials can finish school and get the education they need to help them have the brighter...Read More
A lo largo de los años, siendo un despacho dirigido principalmente a cubrir las necesidades inmobiliarias, migratorias e corporativas de los extranjeros, muchos de nuestros clientes nos solicitaban algo que ellos denominaban “LIVING WILL”, pero que para nosotros carecía de sentido. En sus propias palabras era un documento en el que podían designar a quiénes...Read More
For years, clients have approached us requesting a Mexican Living Will, either as a part of their existing will or as a separate document, and in all honesty we didn’t know exactly what they were talking about. At first, it took a great deal of research and asking around to understand exactly what they were...Read More
If you’re not a Mexican citizen, but you want to buy real estate in Mexico, you need to make sure you can legally do so. One of the first questions to consider when buying property in Mexico is this: How can you legally purchase real estate property, particularly in the “restricted zone”? In Mexico, under...Read More
When buying property in Mexico, it’s important to know a number of things. Firstly, foreigners can’t acquire just any piece of land in any location. Real estate agents are not regulated by any authority and it doesn’t require any particular training, degree or license to be a real estate agent. This opens the door to...Read More