Another of Easy Legal Mexico’s core competencies includes environmental law in Mexico. This can be a crucial part of acquiring and developing real estate property in Mexico, and is in addition to regular real estate law.
One of the most common aspects of environmental law in Mexico is the Environmental Impact Study. An environmental impact study is an assessment of lots or properties located on or near the coast, or property surrounded by vegetation and wildlife. A certified biologist will indicate, among other things, what you can or cannot build on your property (or the property you are planning to buy) based on the location, vegetation and wildlife found on the lot, etc.
The first type of environmental study is optional (but we recommend it highly). The second type of environmental study is mandatory under Mexican environmental law; otherwise you won’t obtain an environmental building permit.
Both municipalities and the Federal Environmental Authority (SEMARNAT) issue environmental permits. You may need both.
Our team at Easy Legal México can help you complete an Environmental Impact Study in the proper way. Just contact us.
In lots adjacent to the federal zone (beachfront) is important to verify, before the purchase of the lot, the status of the concession. It is crucial to verify that the rights of the federal zone are transferred together with the property. Otherwise, even though the property is acquired, the rights of the federal zone remain under the name and control of the previous owner.
Easy Legal México can help you to take care of any of these matters. Just contact us and we will take care of the rest.